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History & Social Studies

Social Studies is the discipline that deals with the study of people and the social world—the human experience.  The essential elements of social studies are knowledge about the human experience, skills which help students understand more about themselves and society, and habits that help students participate more effectively in their social interactions.  Social Studies students study the past, but they also examine the present and consider the future.  The Pentucket Regional School District offers students a balanced program of Social Studies education.  Underlying the Social Studies curriculum are two major goals:

  1. To prepare students to be effective, engaged, informed citizens.

  2. To provide for the personal development of each student.

Students have changing abilities, interests, needs, concerns, joys and fears.  Their personal growth is a primary concern of Social Studies teachers and the district’s curriculum.  The Social Studies program is based on a conviction that students must be actively and purposely prepared for the future.  Social Studies knowledge, skills, and habits are taught not merely as components of the curriculum, but as essential preparation for life, learning, and participation in our democratic society.  It is towards this end that the Social Studies curriculum has been designed.

HISTORY Curriculum Frameworks & Maps