FY25 Approved Budget PDF
FY25 Online Budget Book
FY24 Narrative
FY23 Financial Statements
FY23 Failed Budget
FY 22 Revenue and Expenditure Budget
FY22 Budget Narrative
FY 22 Student Population and Staffing
FY 21 Budget Narrative
FY 21 Proposed Budget Adjustments
FY 21 Staffing Class Size Student Population
FY 2021 Proposed Budget Adjustments
FY20 Budget Narrative
FY 20 Proposed Budget
FY 20 Enrollment
FY 20 Staffing Comparison
FY19 Budget Narrative
FY19 Proposed Budget
FY19 Projected Elementary Class Size
FY19 Enrollment for Assessments
FY18 Budget Narrative
FY18 Proposed Budget
FY18 Enrollment for Assessments
FY18 Projected Elementary Class Size
ESSER III Implementation Plan